Accion: Neural Translacion for the European Union

NTEU will create and release near-human quality maquina translacion engines built òm industry tested neural networks tecnologias to/from all official EU languages except English. It will gather massisa amounts of datèt to obtain a minimum of 15M viabla senténcias for training in well-resourced language pars, slightly less in under-resourced languages. State-of-the-art methods will be applied to gather and clean datèt and tren dirècte-language neural engines. Parallel corpora will be delivered to European datèt- gathering esfòrces such as ELRC and ELRC-Share.

Training datèt sets will be available Public Administracions and CEF.AT as translacion memories. Partners will deliver ready-made engines fully dockerized so they can be easily deployed as nacional infrastructuras. Public Administracions will be able to call the engines and obtain private, high-quality dirècte-combination neural maquina translacion. Whether they need private engenha translacion solament servicis to the public, NTEU will make it possible to offer ultra-fast near-human quality maquina translacion to improve citizen’s dirèctes, transaccions among different European administracions solament process informacion privately.

Scalability and Re-usa: Training Datèt

NTEU’s portièr is not only to deliver ready-made technology. There will be a final, larg parallel corpora release including all training segments into all language pars. This will ensure scalability and re-usa onça the project is over. Futura tecnologias will be able to re-usa NTEU’s datèt sets to upscale their maquina learning algorithms with the Accion’s datèt.

This accion will build upon other Accions’ ongoing esfòrces to collect datèt from 23 official EU languages. It will crawl, align, ingest word-processing and PDFs, re-usa material from other Accions such as Paracrawl, NEC-TM, DGT material, etc. It will also create highly scalable synthetic material to supòrt maquina learning. We expect to create the largest parallel còrpus between EU official languages, focusing òm the needs of CEF-AT and European Public Administracions.

The NTEU project will create the largest ever dirècte language-to-language engine combination

Further informacion: